
Kevin Owidi

Software Engineer

A seasoned software engineer with specialties in mobile and backend development.

Services I Offer

Select what best suites your bussiness and get it accelearated as fast as possible.

Interface Design


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It involnves the design of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) for the application features.

Mobile Development


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It involves the development of cross-platform mobile applications ie, on ios and android on the same code base.

Web Development


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It involves the development of the backend [business] and frontend [client] interfaces of the web application with seamingless intergrations.


A tip of the ice berg on what has been cooking.


Dexter POS App

The Textile POS (Point of Sale) App is a sophisticated software application tailored for businesses in the textile industry. This portfolio piece showcases my skills in mobile app development and highlights my ability to create solutions that enhance the efficiency and productivity of businesses..

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Nuru Delivery App

The Parcel Delivery App addresses the fundamental challenge of streamlining and enhancing the parcel delivery process. By providing a user-friendly platform that enables individuals and businesses to effortlessly book, track, and manage parcel deliveries, it simplifies logistics for senders, recipients, and delivery drivers. The app offers real-time tracking, secure payment options, and user reviews, fostering trust and transparency within the delivery ecosystem. With this application, it solves the age-old problem of ensuring efficient, secure, and reliable parcel delivery, transforming it into a hassle-free and convenient experience for all stakeholders.

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Dexter Server documentation

A reliable backend api server definater has to be documented for future reference, cross funtainal teams operations and easy maintainability and what gives that better solution that django coreapi schema documentation. The tool is as powerful as other documentation tools such as redocs and swagger docs, with quite an intuative user interface.

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Swift cart

This is shopping platform exploring the broad and complicated architecture and designs that go into e-commerce planning and development. The platform's frontend in built with react frameword while the backend is served using django and graphQl. N/B: This is Currently under development and is not production ready.

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Fedha Track

As the globe is hit by tough economic times and constantly rising cost of living, what's better than to have a helper to keep you on track with your incomes, expenses, budgets, subscriptions etc for healthier financial living.

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X calc

Just another weekend project to pass time and of course have fun. This calculator besides performing it's basic functions, help fetch current work currency rates and helps one convert from one currency to another with the base of US dollar against 2 other of their choosing. It also helps converst different measurements against their base/SI unit.

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